Transformation of Humanity

Submitted by TeamOpenhand on Mon, 06/17/2013 - 08:13

Humanity has reached a fundamental crossroads. The Industrial Military Complex has taken over, seeping into all aspects of our lives. Humanity is being aneasthetised and downgraded. The system is designed perfectly to retard our spiritual evolution; to prevent true, empowered human beingness and interconnectivity with the whole of life. It's become increasingly challenging to be our true selves. It's time to transform humanity, time to reclaim our spiritual power... Here's a sharing from "Open" (formerly Chris Bourne):

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The tears began streaming down as I watched this video. As Lesley has expressed to you, Open, I'm so grateful for all you do to support us in attuning to and expressing our purpose here at this stage in humanity's evolution.

I felt a powerful surge of both surrender and will hearing your words:

"Humanity is at this crux point. It is no less important. No less serious than that. It requires spiritual people to stand up and express who they are right now."

We've just experienced the Lion's Gate Portal opening on August 8th that occurs every year when the sun is in Leo the Lion and when Sirius, the brightest star in the constellation of Canis Major, is closest to the earth, and Orion's belt aligns with the Great Pyramids of Egypt. I'm recalling many pertinent passages from your books, Open.

As the opening of this portal has occurred, I have felt a much greater awakening to and acceptance of my karma here on planet earth at this crux point in humanity, how it relates to the white dwarf explosion on Sirius B, the part I played there as a starsoul, and how it relates to the karma of control which Opposing Consciousness mirrors back to us in a master/slave dynamic. Which we then perpetuate by enslaving and exploiting Mother Earth, other human beings, the plant kingdom, and our animal friends. Thus the great call of Divine Benevolence for spiritual realignment at this point in our cosmic evolution.

It has been a seriously hard journey gradually breaking through my conditioning and addicted behaviourisms so I can truly honour and respect all life. Lately, I have felt like Humpty Dumpty after he fell off the wall, shattering into pieces, splitting apart like the seed cracks open so that new life can emerge and grow.

I join hands with all those souls from far and wide in the cosmos who have chosen to be here to support the transformation of humanity at this crux point in our spiritual evolution, perhaps offering better preparation than was offered on Sirius B.

x Cathy

In reply to by soulseer

Hi Aspasia, Lesley & Cathy,

Thanks from the heart for your lovely words of support - they mean so much - they help inspire the work immeasurably, and carry the vibration further afield.

My love to you *give_rose*

Cathy - the vision of "Humpty Dumpty" shattering apart so new life can emerge is wonderful!

Open *OK*

In reply to by Open

Hi Open,

The nursery rhyme about Humpty Dumpty had a great impact on me as a child. I couldn't stand to see him shattered into pieces and so badly wanted to fix him and put him back together again, given all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't do that! I used this imagery in a talk recently with a local spiritual group about the magic of accepting our broken bits, rather than trying to fix them, so that we can become One with them and transcend beyond. I still have compassion for Humpty, but I trust that he's where he's meant to be and will emerge from his shattered self more whole.

x Cathy

Hi Open,
I feel this message resonating so deeply, like a description of all I have worked through in 2017.
Your love and wisdom stays with me in all I am.
Hearfelt thanks for everything,
Lesley *give_rose*

An inspiring, transformative message to start my working day again. And such a masterful video creation, a feast for the soul. Thanks :)

It is Easter weekend, and because I value the great Master Jesus I pay attention to what he came to say, how he demonstrated, and what he was willing to do (as I do other great Masters). {I would recommend reading ''The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ'' by Levi H Dowling [1844 - 1911] a Church of Christ pastor, a Civil War chaplain for the Union Army, a practitioner of homeopatheic medicine, a New Thought lecturer and a religious publisher with an extraordinary vision of unity at the heart of the world's historic religions. He said he received the text of this book while in a trance state, in which he was able to gain access to the Akashic Records. To him, the Akasha was the universal cosmic ledger containing all human actions. The book is amazing and portrays a Jesus quite different from the Biblical texts and DEFINITELY different from what Christianity portrays. In many ways, what you are saying, Open, is what he was also saying during his last lifetime on Earth. So, I find this video a true Resurrection message for I find all of your teachings to be.

Being fresh from the Florida experience with you and 7 remarkable women, and immediately going on a water/cleansing fast which I will end tomorrow afternoon, the Florida experience is rooting deeply within me. And synchronistically, I find myself alone this weekend in an empty house, in quiet, in solitude....a perfect conclusion to the fast, and a perfect transition into more...much more...of the resurrection of my authentic self.

Thank you all, for what you are doing, and for the help you have given to me.

Gratefully and in love,


Thank for for this powerfully inspiring video, Open. Watching it this morning re-fuelled my courage to stand in my power and truth and embody and express who I truly am. x Catherine

Thank you for this video... I just watched it, but it basically mirrored everything I have been feeling and telling my friends and family for a long time now. I notice chemical additives on almost all of the food labels now and I worry about the health effects of GMOs... fighting a low immune system and having becoming allergic to corn recently... I can't tell you what that does for me... to know that I am not the only one out there who feels this way.

Thank you Mike - beautiful heart-felt words
and thank you to all who comment - each comment I find myself nodding in agreement and feel a pull to live ever more deeply in beauty of this truth

In reply to by rayko12

This hymn came into my head last night from nowhere, not heard it since I was a kid but I remember loving it back then.

Follow me, follow me, leave your home and family,
Leave your fishing nets and boats upon the shore.
Leave the seed that you have sown, leave the crops that you have grown, leave the poeple you have known and follow me.

1. The foxes have their holes,
and the swallows have their nests,
but the son of man
has no place to lay down.
I do not offer comfort,
I do not offer wealth,
but in me will all happiness be found.

2. If you would follow me,
you must leave old ways behind.
You must take my cross
and follow on my path.
You may be far from loved ones,
you may be far from home,
but my father will welcome you at last.

3. Although I go away
you will never be alone.
for the spirit will be
there to comfort you.
Though all of you may scatter,
each follow his own path,
still the spirit of love will lead you home.

:) Tony

In reply to by Tony87

Wow Tony, those words are beautiful, a wonderful connection to Benevolent Consciousness. with love Myra x

    "There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above the water. See who is in there with you and celebrate."
The Elders Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation

In reply to by Open

"know the river has it's destination" - the ocean:)

Follow, follow the sun
and which way the wind blows
when this day is done.

Breath, breath in the air.
Set your intentions.
Dream with care.

Tomorrow is a new day for everyone,
brand new moon, brand new sun.

So follow, follow the sun,
the direction of the bird,
the direction of love.

Breath, breath in the air,
cheerish this moment,
cheerish this breath.

Tomorrow is a new day for everyone,
brand new moon, brand new sun.

When you feel love coming down on you,
like a heavy wave.
When you feel this crazy society,
headin' to the strand.
Take a straw to the nearest waters
and remember your place.
Many moons have risen and fallen long, long before you came.
So which way is the wind blowin',
and what does your heart say?

So follow, follow the sun,
and which way the wind blows
when this day is done...

Thank you so much. Your Message means o lot to me these days.I can see the boat.One step follows the other. Doors are opened. I feel the sea breeze. Birds guiding me the way. I breath in the air so fresh and clear and follow the Sun:)

Now I'm blown away by the level of enthusiasm and support.

Thanks to everyone of you. Yes we will change the system. Yes we will join the new paradigm.


WOW! Blown away, totally.
I feel a deep level of passion arising a standing up, a coming together.
We will not be beaten, nor do we need to beat, but stand by who we are and what we believe in and radiate that out like the spiritual warriors we are.
YES, totally inspired!
Thank you both for this, and everything else you activate and inspire within me.

Thanks for another brilliant video - I love the message about going through this density instead of trying to avoid it, and clearing it instead. Gathering those lost soul nuggets... standing in our power and being channels for the light...
Thanks also for the explanation at the beginning about how we chose the control systems from fear and lack of trust.
I had to pause and take notes several times. Will be watching it again for those pointed reminders!

I particularly liked the second half of this video. Since becoming more aware my problem has never been seeing the reality of things, but always about having no clue of how to act to make a difference and feeling too weak to make a difference. I liked the point about our control karma coming back to us and also the point of not fighting but accepting, not being drawn into the other sides territory, being more the immovable object than the irresistible force. Thanks, this has really hit home at a time I'm finding living within the ever increasing suppression of society increasingly difficult. I will try to take a new attitude towards it moving forward and see where it leads me.

I woke up to a snake in the swimming pool this morning. As I sat in traffic reading this I witnessed two cars crash right in front of me. All I can think of is how did I help create that. What is this showing me? I am slowly coming to a deeper understanding of how we are creating as a collective consciousness.
I have been feeling lately that I am not doing enough. That I need to commit more. That I can do more. Listening to your words bring me to tears as I hear the truth spoken directly to me. I feel this so deeply yet I know I am not living it fully. It is so inspiring but make me feel so sad. I know it is all there is so how do I get lost so easily. The snake in the pool.

In reply to by kim

The snake of course is the metaphor of Opposing Consciousness - that which has instigated the control system.

In terms of creation, we are far more powerful than most people will ever imagine. Spiritual circles have gotten a glimpse of it when they speak of 'manifesting the reality they want'. But it is just a dim shadow of the real thing and another deception.

We are master creators. When you truly awaken to the interplay between your inner state and outer one, slowly but surely, you realise how you're creating everything - in concert with others of course.

That's why acceptance is so important. But then recognition also - to seek to understand what you're seeing and why?

Don't expect to necessarily understand immediately. Just keep watching with an open question. Then the universe will reveal itself.

In reply to by Open

Watching you and listening to your words is so beautiful, it touches my heart and calls to my soul!

I feel the deepest, most compelling pull and commitment to share, to help the world. To evolve. I feel that I can have massive effects through the smallest of actions, simply by speaking and acting in complete truth and consciousness.

This power which i am starting to feel is immense and so unconditionally loving! And that is just me; with each member of this ever increasing family, that we are so blessed to be a part of, effecting things through each small action of truth, I find the thought of the accumulation of all of our effects mind blowing; it makes me feel that everything is so so possible, so inevitable and that is exhilarating!!!!!

I have recently been guided to a pattern of three situations where i feel that people are being and I have been treated unfairly. I realised that this is an invitation to stand up for what is right, to give people within these situations the opportunity to consider their actions and the effects that they have on people. To give them the opportunity and hold a space for them to break free from blindly following some distorted company policy or view that making money is all that matters. So with unconditional love and in truth I feel a calling to point out their actions, asking them to consider whether they feel that they could make a more CONSCIOUS choice, because i feel sure that whatever the outcome, a little seed will be sown and from little seeds grow the most amazing magnificent things - i feel so humble and so excited to be able to follow my truth!!!!!

Thank you so much for everything.

I will share your video at every given opportunity!!!!

With Lots of Love
Michelle xxx

I could feel the energy in every word.

Thank you!


Thank you for this rallying call. I am feeling it too, more and more are feeling it. I have every faith that the cosmic energies will support this transformation as they are more powerful than any other influence. We are the way, we are the embodiment of the way of the cosmos and as we allow it to work through us the transformation will blossom into its destined realisation of the emancipation of Divine Humanity on Earth. God bless us everyone in our sustained efforts to embody and reflect this freeing energy of love and light. As above so below.

Thank You in appreciation,


Please check out BBC News Health - google - "Food Labelling: Consistent System to be rolled out". Towards the bottom of the page they are asking for peoples opinions, a chance to air our views on GM etc., x

Hi, thank you so much for the amazing and extremely powerful video. I have watched it a few times now and it has taken me a while to process it all in my brain! I have had to make notes! It is very inspirational. So lets go for it everyone:


Much love and blessings Myra x

Well it's great to get some feedback - thanks, I thought I'd slipped off the planet there for a while!

We are coming deeper into the truth aren't we?
The time has come. We have to address the real situation as it is.
And I've only scratched the surface in this one - there's deeper to come.

So it's time to take a deep breath Openhanders and dive with us into the deep end.
As a great martial artist once said to me as I stood quivering before him...
"there is nothing to fear, only your fear itself".

You know what? He was right.

Sometimes, no words don’t indicate a lack of inspiration but a deep resonance that’s hard to put words around.

I see beings playing spiritual, and in denial of their projections – I don’t see that many having the trust to go into the lower dimensions and reclaim the lost parts. I see that many of those teaching are the ones desperately avoiding this. I feel this realm is in the deepest of turmoil. One aspect of the self feels devastingly alone still ‘at times’ – on the Earth plane, even though the unfolding of our stories helps to feel through it. Your message brings great inspiration but also deep sorrow for some reason. I think it's because the truth always seems to hurt? I don't know. Thank you.

What incredible content, it feels like you were making a seminal speech of historic proportions. I felt a gauntlet being laid down, saying "This is what's happening. What is your response?" Sending a rallying call to the spiritual warrior inside me.

The incredible breadth of topics covered in 15 minutes reminds me of when I first read your book "Five Gateways" and I marvelled at the depth of understanding that lies beneath each paragraph. You take huge subjects and transform them into simple synopses in order to build a big picture story. You are right out there at the front of ground breaking understandings of what it is to be human, what it is to be incarnated now; the choices to be made and the deceptions to be seen through.

All I can do is say, "Thank you"

The rest is up to me.


In reply to by Open

Such... an empowering video. Infact words fail me. This helped me so much and inspires me to dive right into the density without avoidance (even though a huge part of me is still not wanting to affiliate with this sense of humaness which I am beginning to understand, but just don't feel apart of or get lost or linger for too long in the density. It just all seems to take a long time to come together (higher and lower self integration)and to remember the light of home to keep breaking through -to keep working at the liberated authentic light.
Namaste. Namaste

In reply to by Open

I suspect many such as myself are listening, resonating and feeling the urgency to continue the inner work post haste.

For me there's a little trust issue at play in terms of expression through public forums (of myself - not the forum!), especially in response to such a passionate rallying call - can I respond without engaging ego? My instinct (old pattern) is to continue the inner work in the quiet of my personal world undistracted by post or pillar. But of course this is the story behind your story. We can't do that any longer, it's time to break all the limiting paradigms now (personal, global, galactic and beyond?).

... and so I start with the personal work. My soul is calling me on a journey that echo's your sentiments. I drop my need to fulfil societal expectations; 9-5 at a desk is no longer a necessity. Clean vegetables are all I need to nourish my body. I soften and communicate from a place of truth whenever I can. I feel the simplicity and power in re-engagement of higher spirit. Sometimes it fades, I read another of your posts and the spiritual thread that leads to the rope that leads to the ladder that leads to freedom is revealed again.

Sometimes I respond :)

In reply to by Open

One light in a room full of light might have it's significance, adding to the brightness, but one light in the darkness will appear to do so much more. I have struggled with the concepts posed by your talk for many a year. I was raised Catholic & became agnostic at 17. I was introduced to Swami Satchidananda when I was 27 & with my young family, moved to be near their newly relocated ashram, in '80. During the 4 years there, I felt as if a door had been opened; the door to "spirituality." I shut myself off to the "outside" world though. I was being "spiritual," not political, etc. Next I got into "positive thinking" via Norman Vincent Peale & Rev. Robert Schuller....& finally, after many more explorations into various approaches & philosophies, I found myself feeling almost, I settled on agnostic. Again! Full circle! I know that I resonate with what you say...& others like you though, even if there might be some differences in the "details." I often feel alienated from my friends & even my own children & family, because I now want to delve head-first into the truth of what is going on in the world. No more pretending...not looking...etc. But, I can seem like "Debbie Downer," & most people don't want to wake up or become aware. Doing so implies some responsibility on their part. (Even a simple thing like not shopping at WalMart seems too much of a sacrifice...despite my pleas!) Most people I know today, are swamped with the burden of just making ends meet & keeping their heads above water. Having to work full-time while being a single parent...etc. It isn't so much laziness or apathy (though there IS plenty of that, too) but I think people feel powerless. Knowing means doing & doing seems useless....Connecting with one's own belief & then reconnecting with the Source...with "All That Is" & seeing the Oneness in All...from that point, as you say, we can be strong enough to look the "beast in the eye"....not to harm it, but to transform it's energies. One light pours forth into the darkness....& like a mirror, will attract other light to it. We can not overcome that which we will not acknowledge though. I once dreamed (long, long ago) that I had died & was standing at an entrance. I was told that I'd been given so much knowledge yet had kept it to myself & hadn't helped others by I was denied entrance. I have always remembered that dream. I haven't always been discerning though & have wasted much energy, "throwing pearls before swine." Finding the balance isn't easy. Final an initiation in '94, I was given the name Clarion. I asked what it meant & was told, "You know, the person who goes out in front (of the procession) announcing the arrival (of whatever!)" The puzzle pieces continue to fall into place! I look forward to more of your talks! Thank-you...Namaste, Janaki

In reply to by Open

Thank you, thank you, thank you.... I joined Openhand today and the time is just right for me to see and hear you speak. I cannot express how much this resonates with me, there are so many ways. Bless you. Libby :-)

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